Managed three (shortish) sessions in the British Library this week, in spite of the various tribulations militating against it - i.e. the prescription saga, also had various demands made upon my Expert Knowledge in various fields. And however much I have the facts at my fingertips, I still have to take the time to write them out, and in some cases have to check them against something else, or make sure they're not superseded, and so on.
(Was also asked to referee a paper that I have already seen two versions of, and appears to have been sent off to Yet Another Journal: I recused myself.)
But I have managed to do some useful preliminary research for Chapter I Have Been Asked To Write, though I discover that I am no longer entirely up to speed with Havelock Ellis's handwriting - feel I used to have my eye in for it, but that was rather a long time ago.
I am not sure that taking pix of dox on one's camera produces as entirely satisfactory a result as good old-fashioned photocopying, even though I am aware that it is much better from the point of view of conservation.
Still have further visits to make - also to various other repositories, but, hey, at least the game's afoot.
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