There was a bold robin in the pocket park behind the house today - i.e. did not immediately fly away as I approached, did the 'wot me afrayd of umanz no wai' that robins do.
However, it did not conduct me to an ivy-covered wall just as the breeze was blowing enough to reveal the door in the wall.
It did, however, then plunge into the midst of a patch of shrubbery.
Perchance had I followed this would have led to a portal to another realm?
More likely the baby-pushers and dog-walkers would have thought, why is that woman standing in the middle of a briarpatch patch of prickly shrubs?
Also we are led to believe that there are quite stringent age-limits upon who can pass through magic casements to faery lands forlorn.
Which I am well past.
I daresay even does one not part one's hair behind, or roll one's white flannel trousers, etc, one will not hear the mermaids singing, each to each.
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