What I read
Finished Two Travellers, also read Sarah Tolmie's series of linked short stories, NoFood (2014). V good, giving myself a little break before starting The Stone Boatmen.
Kate Elliott, Poisoned Blade (2016), which was almost too all-action for me - very edge of the seat all the time. V good. Did not like the prequel novella Night Flower quite as much: a bit slight?
Latest issue of Slightly Foxed.
Tanith Lee, L'Amber (2015), very much in the late Lee mode where she is almost writing straight fiction (no fantasy, no sff, mimetic rl setting, more or less) and still brings the spooky.
Short story by D des Anges, Vessel 151-B (2013), and yes, there is still a pattern...
On the go
Andrea Hairston, Will Do Magic for Small Change (2016) - has several characters from Redwood and Wildfire but not a sequel as such to the events of that book. Very good, at about the 80% mark. (And, thinking of a development in Poisoned Blade that seemed just a little irksome, brings something entirely unusual to adolescent love-triangle.)
Up Next
Either The Stone Boatmen or another Tanith Lee.
ETA spotted somewhere someone posting an article claiming that Mary Shelley's life was darker than her books: can only suppose the author of the piece has not read
The Last Man, in which all humanity but the narrator has been wiped out by a pandemic by the final pages. Surely compared to that Shelley's life was a walk in the park?
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