A few thoughts while skimming today's paper

May 16, 2016 13:39

Dept of, Wot abaht bestiality,then?
No kidding: what I learned from becoming GoatMan
Enquiring minds that have seen a) that famous statue of Pan rogering a goat b) artworks featuring satyrs c) the general reputation of goats for being goatish want to know, was there any caprine rumpy-pumpy?
(Also, is there not something a tad oxymoronic about 'Danish shaman'?)
Dept of, Ye Medeevles, not really a time of bliss:
Anxiety plagues our times f you lived in the middle ages, you were born what you were born and you did what you did. It may be that some increase in the quantum of overall anxiety is the price we pay for more economic freedom, more choice.
As if you didn't have quite a lot to worry about, in the middle ages.
Dept of, o Peter Bradshaw, nevairr evairr change:
Writer-director Shane Black’s horribly enjoyable action comedy The Nice Guys
O the deep existential horror of enjoyment. This entry was originally posted at http://oursin.dreamwidth.org/2445980.html. Please comment there using OpenID. View

medieval, unexamined-assumptions, ponceyness, critics, art, higher codswallop, zoophilia, facile-preconceptions, animals, woowoo, sex, film

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