The conference in Montreal in early June to which I submitted a paper proposal has accepted it!!! (now I have to write the damn thing.)
The ongoing weirdness of Amazon recommendations. I marked Dorothy Richardson's Pilgrimage Volume 1 as 'owned' and have had a plethora of weird things come up on the list because I own it: none of them are subsequent volumes of Pilgrimage WTF.
Some very odd juxtapositions of because you own x I am inclined to put down to student course reading lists.
(Okay, there are probably some very weird recs that come up for other people due to my eclectic reading tastes.)
(Not that I actually buy much via Amazon any more, but every so often the Recommended List draws my attention to something in which I am interested. I then go look for it elsewhere.)
Talking of plethora, there seem to be a number of petitions making the rounds re J Hunt vs the NHS, which suggests that several people immediately went to the petitions to the government website on hearing that he was imposing the new contract, and did not check to see if anyone else was doing anything similar - or else they were all happening entirely simultaneously.
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