I wonder if everybody who has this notion thinks it is a groovy new never-before thing, a really fresh idea?
Some years since, I gave a talk on the history of the loathsome diseases caused by IMMORALITEE as part of a series at a certain institution, scheduled round about the V-Day.
The NOTCHES History of Sexuality blog has chosen to inaugurate its new series of STD-themed posts on this week.
I had referred to me an enquiry from a meedja person who was putting together a V-Day piece on the infectious ailments of LUHRV.
Yr hedjog is inclined to wonder whether they consider that this is quite amazingly original. We also wonder whether it is really entirely appropriate to a day which tends to be to an almost nauseating extent about Ye Monogamy.
*Sid wonders whether pretty spiral spirochaetes are going to replace hearts as the universal motif.
In other, is this really a good Valentine's Day idea, news: the gym I go to is doing a V-Day promotion for people to give their significant other a fortnight's free sampler of the gym. This strikes me as almost as ill-omened as the
suggestion that you should give your inamorato/a Hot Sex: How to Do It.
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