Chains falling off, etc

Dec 22, 2014 20:28

Took tomorrow off, so I am off work until the Monday after New Year. I would have taken today off, but I had two public desk slots scheduled and was highly sceptical that I would be able to find swaps, given how many people had taken today off.
But, anyway, I was able to tidy up some outstanding things, like finishing off a small cataloguing job and if not entirely moving on to the next stage of a project, getting it, I hope, to the point where I can move it forward more or less on my return to duty.
Also got off to appropriate quarters a report on a fellowship application, and a referee report on a conference paper submission -
- Is this a thing now? getting an external peer review on an abstract (even if it was a fairly long abstract) of a conference proposal??? Maybe it's a disciplinary thing. Because never in my puff have I encountered this, and it was for a conference of subdiscipline of general field that I really haven't had much to do with.
I don't feel quite as over-burdened with Things To Do over the break as usual - I've got a chapter to revise with some fairly substantive suggestions, a couple of minor things for other chapters, and possibly I should start thinking about the paper I am giving in February, but compared to some years this is lying around eating bonbons.
(While doing my Sekkrit Projekt #ifitoldyouidhavetokillyou reading...)
ETA: but, growl, that piece that I was being extensively badgered about with a deadline the week before last? due to editorial circs this online publication is not going to happen until 2nd week of New Year (with prospect that this may not actually mean, all done now). This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

academic, holiday, weird, accomplished, work, venting, to-do

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