I did not see a single solitary bun during all my stay, although somebody else said they had, so maybe they have not all deserted the scene - or, of course, been turned into delicious comestibles, which did cross my mind after rabbit roulade was on the dinner menu one evening...
I have already mentioned the strenuous physical exercise - there were also some lovely treatments. I was a bit dubious going in as several of my favourites were no longer on offer and there seemed to be a number of new things going. However, at least two of these turned out to be rebrandings/variations on old and favourite themes and very delicious, and the 'classic massage' which I thought might be a bit basic was actually v good indeed.
I may have mentioned the sauna and hydropool already. Today I was a bit weirded out to come across 3 people wallowing in the hydropool but not taking advantage of the jacuzzi-type cycle facility or the whooshy hydropump thinggy. Huh?
Media consumed: Dean Spanley, which had been recommended to me by the person who originally recommended Farscape, which just goes to show that you never can tell, because I thought it was slow, a basically uncinematic story, and a rather banal father-son reawakening of the heart narrative.
Series one of Prime Suspect which was very good though possibly something that would have seemed fresher and more boundary-breaking when it first came out (and even in the early 90s people were smoking like it was going out of style). However, it did have that worn old trope of the male partner's dinner party of importance which comes up against the protag's professional demands - Josephine Elder had this in The Encircled Heart, only that was a woman doctor, on call, at dinner party with husband's departmental superior at the university. I thought it might have been more challenging to have it actually happen but the guests be all enthralled by Gory Murder Stuff to partnerly pouting.
Dreamgirls - while I quite enjoyed it, this was something that should have been the Motown jukebox musical, except that presumably they couldn't get the rights to the music. Some of the original numbers were quite good, but, you know, not exactly in the same class as the works of the Divine Smokey or Holland-Dozier-Holland. Also, while there was a certain female-empowerment trajectory, I'm not sure there was really a Bechdel pass when the various Dreams only seemed to talk to one another about MEN.
Back home now. Mobile phone yet again doing the annoying 'low on space' thing. And what is this that this is that LJ seems to be making it increasingly complex to access one's Friends Page in the old style?
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