More 'creative malady' bollox?

Dec 22, 2013 13:50

Article in the Observer New Review section on the 'nihilistic aesthetic' of heroin.

We note that this nihilistic aesthetic pretty much applies only to blokes who are engaging with the dodgy underworld of supply, since I don't spot any mention of e.g. Anna Kavan, who was a registered addict under the old British system and got hers prescribed by a doc.*

But, also, I think the whole thing is open to the same objections as the glamorisation of TB or syphilis.

Yes, some of the really high-profile people associated with it are Creative People, but as with TB and GPI, the vast majority, probably not, and if they are/were, this is probably not actually facilitating any expression of their creativity.

*One argument for legalisation on this model is that it would probably put off a lot of people for whom the whole seedy transgression thing is key.

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higher codswallop, drugs, creativity

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