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Thinking, as is perhaps appropriate for the time of year, about habits, and not just making these, but shedding them.
I posted a while ago about
the persistence of habits beyond their use-by date.
During the course of this year I disposed of a couple of clusters of accreted practices which had grown up through a variety of reasons over the years, some of which I probably originally acquired for some specific reason no longer pertinent.
There is probably a difference between the kinds of habitual action that save one time and trouble and thinking, and habits that have just crept in (like Cordelia Aubrey's taking Papa's articles to the printer) and may even be consuming unnecessary time and energy.
One of the things I - in a sense - decluttered was my morning and evening exercise routine, when I went to a new physio who gave me a different set of things to do and as a result I not only abandoned the accumulated various exercises I had been given over a period of some years by several different physios, I also eliminated various other things which I could not remember precisely why I was doing them.
There are probably other areas where I could do something similar, but at the moment, thinking of them is about as problematic as finding time to engage in physical uncluttering, because STUFF.
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