Random things make a post

Apr 15, 2010 19:58

Because although there have been some really good conference sessions, I don't think I have the energy to write about them this evening.


Am I insanely paranoid? When using a public computer (as I was in the computer lab on the conference this lunchtime*, as I had a little spare time before the next session to check email and DW/LJ/FB etc), I habitually clear the browser cache when finished. And sometimes this process is clearly taking quite a long time, presumably because it is rather a while since anyone did that. Do other people not bother?


Lovely post by Jo Walton over at Tor.com on rereading and being a rereader:
Even though the world is full of books, I don’t want to read most of them. Even if you only count fiction, there’s a lot written in genres I don’t like, or written by authors I don’t enjoy. Also I read fast, and I read all the time. I don’t find libraries infinite-I mean I adore libraries, but I can read my way through everything I want to read in one in a couple of months.... It never feels like a zero-sum game to me, it always feels as if there isn’t enough to read, and even if there is, as if tomorrow there might not be.
Even when I have plenty of books, and access to libraries, that doesn’t mean that I’ll be able to put my hand on the kind of thing I want to read this minute. Re-reading always gives me that. There’s a pleasure in reading something new, certainly, but there’s also pleasure in revisiting old friends.


Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Had brief meeting with editor from Publishers Of The Textbook who is present at conference, and is v keen to produce a revised and updated edition. Which, yay! I think.


Dept of weird spam: Only 26 left - the hottest Breeches Uniform on www.LEATHER-UNIFORM.com: German WWII Leather Breeches Uniform. No compromises. And at the other end of some kind of spectrum, I am on some kind of list for 'Gliterary Lunches' [sic] - even if these did not always seem to be in places where I am unlikely to be on the dates in question, the books and authors they are promoting seem to be NQOSD - in fact, given that L Shriver gives them an effusive testimonial, possibly totally NOSD.


In other news, have sent what I hope is a restrained message back to the Wiscon programme organiser ,.

*Flemish keyboards = maddening. Esp the convolutions necessary to get @. WTF?

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wiscon, books, weirdness, reading, academic, internet, computers, fetishism, spam, good stuff, shriver, conferences

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