And a day to spare

Sep 29, 2009 22:03

Have reached the end, almost, of September, and have managed to achieve all those things for which I had deadlines during or at the end of this month.

Including the edit of the biography ms, which is now burnt to CD and ready to be posted to my editor (postal strikes permitting).

This does not mean that I can loll around now eating bonbons and reading frivolous literature: I currently have on my to-do list:
- Copy-edit/proof of essay to check
- article to referee
- grant application to referee
- the continuing saga of the 4 book reviews, which are probably going to have to go on the back burner yet again while I deal with the above, which have deadlines, and
- try to expand my piece from the July conference into a book chapters'worth of verbiage.

I am giving two seminar papers in the next few months, but in fact on both occasions I am giving the paper that I initially wrote for the seminar at the research centre which cancelled at very short notice on account of flying the yellow flag.

However, partner and I are planning to go away mid-Oct, and I'm also wondering if a few restorative days at Grayshott might be managed.

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academic, holiday, accomplished, to-do

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