Jul 26, 2003 22:12
ok so i feel like this should probably be documented.
i'm walking down the street towards university and see nicole, jake, mike on a bike, and josh t headed towards me, all on bikes on their way home from the store. for some reason they all start losing their shit, riding faster, pointing, yelling, and looking like they saw a ghost or just something totally funny and crazy that makes no sense at all. i see a flash and hear nicole yell "what the fuck is wrong with these people?". then out of nowhere a giant fucking horse and carriage (keep in mind that we live in the ghetto and this is probably the biggest horse i have ever seen) full of middle aged white people goes flying by full speed ahead, runs a stop sign, almost hits jtip, he yells, swerves out of control and drops his beers all over road. then yells "that horse made me drop my beers! that fucking horse swiped my beers!!!", then gets up and rides home.
i don't know. altogether, it just didn't make sense.
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anyways, things have been so good lately, and i'm really starting to love gainesville. great shows, great friends, and great times altogether. laura long is here now, we play another show tonight (fifth in two weeks, i think?), mooky moves up this week to split the attic with me, and next weekend is the latterman show. every day and every night there's something new and a story to tell.
oh, and i'm a delivery person for a catering company. crazy.