(no subject)

Jun 29, 2008 11:11

My course is now finished. I must say it feels rather nice to have handed everything in and put a stamp on it all. Sadly the last week of the course was tainted by class feuding and consistent daggers exchanged across melamine. Now, I shant cast aspersions on the female of the species, BUT, being the sole male for a year in a large class of women makes for interesting observation and often I felt like I was in the big brother house. At first the bitching and backstabbing was surprising, especially given ages varied from 19 to 42, but with the exception of one lady who's manners dominated her personality so much she would apologise at least 45 times a day for no reason, all the girls/women seemed to switch from best friends to nemesis on a weekly basis. I tells ye folks, that shit was exhausting. I got on with everyone of course, I'm an amicable son of a bitch (for the most part) but I do feel had I been born with a vagina a few of the girls would have disliked me this year. I suppose I was given the role of brother, son, or father depending on the age of my classmate, and cementing a place in peoples good graces. A reunion is unlikely however, as someone will inevitably be slapped outside Yates wine lodge.

The class tension, however, meant I managed to escape without any group hugging, so that was a plus. A few of the girls caught me though. Its funny how awkward I am with hugging and cheek kissing when sober. I'll do it, sure, but be aware I am far more comfortable giving a half wave and a nod of my head. Depends on my mood I suppose. A few teachers hugged me; that was weird. My favorite teacher didn't hug thankfully. She suffers from Aspergers syndrome so her social skills are, for the most part, horrendous. It made for fascinating viewing from the back of the class. She would praise people one minute, then launch into vicious personal attacks the next. In fact often she started with the personal attacks and stayed with them. It went like this........."Your grammar is a disgrace! Its obvious that you are NOT ready for this course, and frankly you're wasting my time as well as your own. Can you not see this work is abysmal? A fourteen year old could do better. Proof read! Though you probably did I suppose. This is a joke. Maybe you should cut hair or something.............................ooh Sam, I love your beret!"

She wished me well for university and said something about reading my name in the newspapers soon. I made a muffled joke about a sexual predator which I immediately regretted, and she pretended not to hear, saying I would be published and bask in the plaudits. Bless. She also threw in the comment "You'll meet lots of girls that will throw themselves at you". Weird right? I replied "You know I thug 'em, fuck 'em, love 'em, leave 'em cause I don't fuckin' need 'em" Not really. Even the teachers wanted to set me up this year. I really pissed off a classmate when I finally gave in to their constant requests to set me up with a friend. I buckled and said fine fine, show me a picture.......then when I saw the picture I had said,....."No thanks, Kris"  which resulted in a bruised shin and being called a prick.

Anyway......I passed with flying colours and will be off to Canterbury in September. Leeds is my insurance place but at 24 now I feel a little old to run off miles and steal parking cones with 18 year olds. At least in Kent I can easily pop on a train home, go see a gig in London, or just meet my main friends for a drink without having to sit on a megabus for 5 hours.

My Bloody Valentine was bloooomin brutal. Thank you for the advice of earplugs, had I not taking them i'd probably have looked like i'd just watched the episode of Neighbours where Madge dies. Or Flynn in Home and Away, that was a killer. Amazing gig all in all, and definitely memorable

I'm off to buy my new laptop in a minute. Reserved and waiting for collection. Thank you obedient Internet and Currys. I went to PC World with my brother and dad, and two of their salesmen told us flat out lies assuming we knew nothing about computers. They then tried to claim we HAD to take out a bunch of extra bullshit that cost over £300. We had to tell my dad to walk away because he was about to knock the guy out, ha. So, a giant FUCK YOU to PC World, and their lying commission seeking douche staff.

New laptop.....nice.
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