(no subject)

May 29, 2006 01:02

I happened upon a review of Chronicles of Riddick from the Oakland Press, which is quite amusing - I trust even for those among you who like the film, which I do - and the last few paragraphs had me in a giggle fit:

Films like "The Chronicles of Riddick" gather about them cadres of fans who obsess about every smallest detail, but somehow I don't think "Riddick" will make as many converts as "The Matrix." In fact, I owe an apology to fans of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

When Richard Roeper reviewed the current two-disc DVD of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" on TV, I noted that a four-disc set of the movie was coming out later this year. He observed that the complete trilogy will come out on "an accordion-size set that will take up the next six years of your life." I observed that LOTR fans should "get a life."

I meant this as an affectionate, ironic throwaway, but have received dozens of wounded e-mails from Ring devotees who believe LOTR has, indeed, given them a life, and after seeing "The Chronicles of Riddick," I agree. They have a life. The prospect of becoming an expert on "Riddick," in contrast, is too depressing to contemplate.

Yes I am sometimes easily amused - especially after 1am... ;)

funnyashell, lord of the rings, films: chronicles of riddick

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