Hi everyone. I'm Robin, I'm a 23 year old art student at a tiny college in Vermont. Right now I live in a two-room attic studio with very low ceilings. Luckily, I'm short. :)
I believe I have posted here before, but so much has changed since I moved in. I will be leaving this apartment at the end of August, and wanted to document it one more time.
My room. Sorry it's so dark. It's impossible to take pictures from this angle because of the window glare.
Here are some close ups of my book collection, for those of you who like to snoop. ;) I have about a hundred more in the other room. I keep my art books and my contemporary (non fantasy) adult fiction stacked around the kitchen, so this isn't representative of everything I read.
I just took a class on King Arthur, can you tell? We read lots of medieval epic poems, and a couple of contemporary Arthur novels. I bought the Mists of Avalon for my own reading, since it was just too long to cover in the course.
Teen lit.
How I love FLB!
Pagan and Buddhist related reading, as well as some feminist favorites.
One of my two piggy roommates. They live in the kitchen, not the bedroom, but this picture was too cute not to include. :)