(no subject)

Mar 23, 2009 15:21

Long time lurker and first time poster.

For those of you who have animals in their rooms, how have you 'organized' it all, so to speak?
Just out of curiosity. :)

Due to a request in a way, I'd just like to say before you click on the cut, that it might be upsetting to see
my bunny, as he isn't able to move anymore etc and it does tend to be upsetting.

My two rats, who are camera shy, Rattus and Scrabble,
who are neighbours with my quadriplegic rabbit, Stampertje, of 10. He's a sweetie.
And my guinea pig, Frances, on top of the table. (I lost his brother about 2 months ago.)

I've found the color of the last cage horrible, but I'm not willing to paint it due to the chemicals and such.

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