Fanfiction Dump

Mar 25, 2011 20:20

Uhm, I haven’t posted here before, so I’ll just upload some of my stuff that was originally on FF., if that’s allowed...sorry if it’s not...(fake cuts are fake)

Title- Selfishly Superficially Shallow
Pairing- Eventual one sided Tamaki x Nekozawa/ Tamaki x Reiko? Tamaki x Haruhi?
Rating- T
Warnings- One case of discriminatory language
Summary- "But that would be shallow of me." They are words that should have never fallen from his mouth; but they did. How could a narcissist like that actually say those words with such...force. It was unknown.

( ”Why does Big Brother love Big Brother?” )

Title- Cute as a Button (Cute as a Fox)
Pairings- TamaHika HikaTama
Rating- T
Warnings- Molestation, faux perversity
Summary- Of buttons, shoelaces, shirts, ties and jackets and even zippers; was there anything that idiotic blonde hadn't attempted to fix yet!

( Hikaru could think of so many innuendos for that. But let’s not get sidetracked )

Title- Lost
Pairing- Hikaru x Kaoru
Rating- T
Warnings- The warnings that imply with the actual pairing, time switches, once case of implied mature themes
Summary- Lost is a word of many meanings. So many meanings. To be unable to find, to be wanted, to be despised...

( Though Kaoru wasn’t sure what kind of game this was; or what the outcome would be )

tamaki/umehito, fan fiction, hitaiichin kaoru, umehito, hitaiichin hikaru, hikaru/kaoru, suou tamaki

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