I went to Wicked yesterday with Lauren. It was fantastic! The story and characters were great, and the set was awesome! I recommend it
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Be sure to do them slowly: two seconds up, four seconds down, and don't do them to failure. It's too easy to fuck up your lower back. I do 110 for my light weight (8-11 reps) and 135 for my heavy weight (4-7 reps), and I had to build up to that. What weight did you start with?
I go slow compared to most of the other shmucks at the gym, but I wasn't counting. I don't think I was that slow. I did 3 sets of 10 reps at 95 lbs because that was what the trainer suggested. I know this is a high-injury exercise, so I had the guy come over and make sure I wasn't hurting myself. I think this week I'll do 3x10x85.
Also, he told me to do them with locked knees, bending only at the waist, which no one has ever recommended before. I thought it was always a lift-with-the-legs exercise. I guess that does different things and allows more weight.
He was right about locking your knees. You want the exercise to really hit your glutes and lower back. When you bend your knees, you're transferring some of the weight to your quads.
Hee-hee. You said "schmucks"! Most guys at the gym are schmucks who try to do as much as they can as fast as they can and then drop the weights on the floor. Don't be a schmuck! (You know what the literal meaning of that word is, right?)
Also, he told me to do them with locked knees, bending only at the waist, which no one has ever recommended before. I thought it was always a lift-with-the-legs exercise. I guess that does different things and allows more weight.
I HATE weight-droppers!
Mostly I hate everyone in the gym, but the droppers break my rule of being absolutely silent at all times, so they get extra hate.
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