May 16, 2005 00:12
It's like 12am monday morning, and I haven't gone to be yet! I'm an idiot. lol. I've really been basking in the glow from the "Power Corps: Power-Charged weekend" (I will formally submit this name to P.D. next chance I get.) I wish I could talk about it more, but alas poor Yorik... I'm about to go to sleep, but I wanted to give this message of hope to everyone first. Now that the PC is in place, I can promise to provide a bridge between any youth and any adult in the body of Christ. Our current group contains so many varied individuals that we will find a way to bridge that area between the powerhouse sanctuary and the main sanctuary. We will also be available to minister to any and every youth that enters our doors. With God's help and our unvaried commitment to following Him, we will be more than conquerers! I will see you all again soon.