'Cause I am a master and there are so many people viewing my entries and fics and stuff. yeah.
Some stories are only for friends to see, if you want to read them anyways, just message me and I'll fix something for you.
The Abnegate || R || BangHim (ongoing)
The refugee from Abnegation lands in the most dangerous faction of all; Dauntless.
What happens in Vegas... || R || BangHim
Yongguk wakes up in a car that isn't his, somewhere he doesn't know, with an interesting person in the backseat.
The Mask || R || DaeLo
Yongguk bets that Zelo isn't brave enough to talk to the stranger with the mask.
He's a Machine || NC-17 || TaoRis
There are two new students at school. Tao sees it as his task to free the emotions of the guy named Kris.
Wu Inc. || NC-17 || KrisYeol
Chanyeol works at Kris's company Wu Inc.
Time Control || R || TaoRis
Tao does everything to make Kris's life better.
Of Forgetful Unicorns And Sad Dragons || G || Kray (ongoing)
It's all Imagination.
Block B
Ailurophilia || PG-13 || U-Bomb
ai•lu•ro•phile [n] - A fondness or love for cats.
Humanoids || R || HoMin
Two universes, living on one earth. One is dark, the other is light. Both need to do the same to get perfection, but have different visions of perfections. When one travels through time, he will be send to the universe he comes from, but returns to the earth where the two universes collide. Is prefection something you can achieve? Can one state the definition of perfection?
Hit the Pedal || G || BangHim
My son || R || Bang/x
Hopes || R || Zelo/x
Seasons || G || Kaisoo
Mass || R || ZiHyo
TSaaR (hihi) || G || HunHan
Where are you || R || BangLo
Super Junior's water fountains || R || Sihyuk
Minho || R || 2Min
EXO drabbles || G || Taoris