Hetalia Headcanon -- FIRE!!

Jul 07, 2009 17:12

So, my pally sakuratsukikage posted about hetalia sex headcanon today, and I wrote so much that I figured I should just write out my head canon, for my own benefit. YOU CAN TOTALLY IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT, IT'S JUST MY OPINION. Although, my opinions are very impressionable and subject to others, so they may be your opinions too XDD

Fire in the hole~ )

england, canada, america, spain, germany, feliciano, sweden, greece, sealand, portugal, france, japan, tony, finland, italy, romano

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sakuratsukikage July 8 2009, 05:43:58 UTC
He had his heart broken a few times, the most prominent being, of course, by America. He's somewhat hardened since then, and doesn't get involved with anyone out of a simple fear of being abandoned and hurt again. America has a hard time understanding this, and his tireless insistence is one of the only reasons England is in a relationship with him now.

Oh, oh, yes. This is so true to me.

He doesn't have many friends, but the few that he has are very true. His best friend in the whole world is Portugal. They have a very close friendship and have for decades, and understand each other on a very intimate level. They have had sex a few times, particularly during and after America's Revolution. England was incredibly vulnerable at that point, and Portugal was there for him when he needed to be. They have grown out of that phase now, and have a more mature friendship.


I just love this whole paragraph. And . . . yes. (I'm actually writing fic that would reflect the above, a bit. Actually.)

Portugal understands and accepts that England is with America now, and while he likes America and they sometimes laugh together over England's adorable quirks, he is protective of England because he knows how much a failure of their relationship would tear England apart. America has heard more than one earful of Portugal's threats to "treat England right, or else," but in the end Portugal is more like a really cool uncle to America.

:D :D :D

I really love England and Japan when they hang out together.

There are more than a few things that England really admires about America, but would never say out loud. He is a bit jealous that America can be open with everyone and be everyone's friend, and that he can be so tirelessly happy, even when it's apparent that he's a mess on the inside. England enjoys it greatly when America touches him--just in his little ways, grabbing his arm, touching his shoulder or his hand, poking his nose, holding his hand--but acts flustered about it so America will get the wrong idea. Sometimes, he thinks America is just an enormous goofball, and can't help but laugh discreetly behind his hand at his antics.

This paragraph made me squee so much. Because that's exactly how I feel about it.

England also loves it when America laughs; he thinks it's a very pretty sound. America thinks the same thing about him.

I adore this little detail ♥ ♥ ♥.

England's favorite America is America during sex. England adores the control he has over him, and loves teasing him and driving him crazy with every little thing he does. America is very sweet and sentimental during and after sex, and England, though it usually embarrasses him, loves the little things he remembers and says.

This, I really like it. A lot. It just makes so much sense as a dynamic with them? I guess. Yes.


ottful July 8 2009, 23:50:32 UTC
PORTUGAL. ♥ SPREAD THE LOVE. I just love this whole paragraph. And . . . yes. (I'm actually writing fic that would reflect the above, a bit. Actually.)

HOLLAAAAAA. (Im very interested in that, because I don't know alot about Portugal as a canon character yet. Has he appeared in Himaruya's comic yet??) My love for Portugal and England is entirely your fault. Be proud.

This, I really like it. A lot. It just makes so much sense as a dynamic with them? I guess. Yes.

I'm glad you think so <3 I think some of the truest moments with them, the moments that most accurately show their dynamic, is during and after sex. England manages to be a little controlling and devious while being all mushy at the little romantic things America does and says for him. Only he can manage those things in such an even balance.


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:44:07 UTC
Hee hee hee :D. (Actually, Portugal isn't a canon character at all, so far. I was introduced to the love of a Portugal OC by twistedsheets10 and meillerie, and then I just couldn't get him out of my head, basically.) I AM PROUD. Let the chain of Portugal and England love CONTINUE AND GROW.

I think some of the truest moments with them, the moments that most accurately show their dynamic, is during and after sex. England manages to be a little controlling and devious while being all mushy at the little romantic things America does and says for him. Only he can manage those things in such an even balance.

I can really see this, because that's a moment when they've both been earth-shatteringly (for them) vulnerable and open with each other, and there's no point to putting their defensive mechanisms back up because of it, so they'd be very open and honest with each other for those few short moments.


ottful July 9 2009, 22:57:38 UTC
(Actually, Portugal isn't a canon character at all, so far. I was introduced to the love of a Portugal OC by twistedsheets10 and meillerie, and then I just couldn't get him out of my head, basically.) I AM PROUD. Let the chain of Portugal and England love CONTINUE AND GROW.

Well Amen to those people... twistedsheets10 never fails to blow my mind with her genius. Seriously. Haha, we're speading the looooove!! I'm gonna go off and research IRL England&Portugal history canon, i'm really curious now XDD


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 23:02:49 UTC
I definitely know what you mean! I love her fic so much. And meillerie's. AND YES. Spreading the love!

You can start here--http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Portuguese_Alliance!

It's the oldest alliance in the world that's still in force.


ottful July 9 2009, 23:49:47 UTC

It's the oldest alliance in the world that's still in force.

I never thought I would ever be saying this in my entire life about something like this, but that's one of the cutest things I've ever heard. BIFFLES FOREVER, Y/Y?

Aww, World History, y so adorable?

(I think i'll have to flesh out a character for Portugal until one is created, just so I can include him in fanfics and the like XD)


sakuratsukikage July 10 2009, 00:41:46 UTC
Heeee. *grins* Aww, thanks. It's my pleasure, really.

I . . . I know, right? It feels so weird to me, too, to be thinking this, but it's so adorable. Just . . . YES.

I know, right? It's so weird, but IT'S ALL SO CUTE NOW.

In my head, like I said in my headcanon post, Portugal is charming, flirtatious, and level-headed, though very adventurous also. Beneath the level-headed, charismatic exterior he's always open for something new, and a little bit of a spaz who loves doing crazy, larger-than-life things sometimes. He's warm and affectionate and loyal to those he's really close to, but though he has a lot of acquaintances he keeps his true friends to a minimum. He has a great, wry, somewhat understated sense of humor, and is really, really sexy, but doesn't push it onto people. He's always teasing and laughing, but he doesn't push people.

I don't know. That's just what I think XD.


ottful July 10 2009, 01:14:39 UTC
In my head, like I said in my headcanon post, Portugal is charming, flirtatious, and level-headed, though very adventurous also. Beneath the level-headed, charismatic exterior he's always open for something new, and a little bit of a spaz who loves doing crazy, larger-than-life things sometimes. He's warm and affectionate and loyal to those he's really close to, but though he has a lot of acquaintances he keeps his true friends to a minimum. He has a great, wry, somewhat understated sense of humor, and is really, really sexy, but doesn't push it onto people. He's always teasing and laughing, but he doesn't push people.

This entire paragraph, for me, is just one big YESSSSSSS. He is so damn charming~~

And I was browsing through some old fanfics, and on one of meillerie's older posts, twistedsheets10 said something amazing, and I just edited this into this post because it was amazing:

(Edit: Thanks to the genius of twistedsheets10, Portugal's fanmade human name is Gabriel Alessandro Mão de Ferro. Simply beautiful~)

I take Spanish at school, and I'm a HUGE geek about the language and culture (I love spanish, and portuguese, they're such beautiful languages to me) so when I saw this, the pure portugal-ness of it made me crazy <3 I just love it~


sakuratsukikage July 12 2009, 04:18:40 UTC
HEEEEEEE. I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT. Yessss. I love how he is in my head.

I got so much of my Portugal headcanon from them! And I'm so glad you found that, because I remembered that she'd come up with a name that was amazing but I couldn't remember where she'd said it or what it was, exactly. But that's so perfect~

I don't really know anything about Spanish or Portuguese aside from the few words you can learn from Zorro and pretty much everyone knows, but I understand being a huge geek about the language and culture you study. And it's awesome that you like Spanish because that means if I want to write Spanish speaking Hetalia-land, I can ask you~


ottful July 13 2009, 00:01:01 UTC
I understand being a huge geek about the language and culture you study. And it's awesome that you like Spanish because that means if I want to write Spanish speaking Hetalia-land, I can ask you~

Yesss, you most certainly can~!!! I would be honored to be your foreign language beta. X33 I am seriously such a geek over Spanish. I can't wait to write some more for Spain, Portugal, and Italy even, just to slip some Spanish in there~ (Portugal will be coming your way soon. I had a plotbunny epiphany yesterday, so watch out for that.)


sakuratsukikage July 15 2009, 19:01:58 UTC


Aside from that, haha, oh my goodness, thank you so much! I'd love that. I have another friend who I harass about Italian, so now I can write language-heavy Spain/Romano fic without SOUNDING LIKE A DUMBASS SO EXCITED OH MY GOD.

And yes! BASICALLY PORTUGAL~~~~~~~~~.


ottful July 15 2009, 19:51:03 UTC
YES, PORTUGAL, REALLY~~ I sincerely hope you'll like it... I hope it'll be a little funny when I'm done... *frets*

Aside from that, haha, oh my goodness, thank you so much! I'd love that. I have another friend who I harass about Italian, so now I can write language-heavy Spain/Romano fic without SOUNDING LIKE A DUMBASS SO EXCITED OH MY GOD.

Hahahaha, That sounds very very sexy indeed. I would be more than happy to be the spanish-side fuel for a project such as that :3



sakuratsukikage July 15 2009, 20:15:28 UTC
THAT'S SO GREAT TO HEAR--I'm sure I will, and it will, and . . . yes!

Haha, it'll only be half-sexy, because Romano is damn cute and pretty sexy, but honestly I think his fail overshadows that a little. STILL I'M HAPPY, because Spanish is so pretty.



ottful July 15 2009, 20:50:23 UTC
ROMANO, you adorable bundle of epic-fail, you. And yaaaay, Spanish. Because if I were Romano, Antonio talking to me in poetic Spanish would get me every time~~



sakuratsukikage July 17 2009, 23:52:40 UTC
Hahaha, he really is. Both a bundle of epic-fail, and adorable. Oh, man, yeah! Definitely!

I . . . I think we'd better end this before it gets out of hand :P.


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