House Journal - Memorial Day Weekend

May 25, 2009 19:07

Well it's already Memorial Day and it seems like just yesterday we were trying to shovel our way through the snow at our new house. There will be no picnics for us today, just a 3 day weekend to work on the house (although we were able to sneak in a little fun).

Saturday we hit up some garage sales on the way to the house. Erin was just about done with them all together and I convinced her to go to one more. And it was there that I happened to find an aerator and a broadcast spreader for our tractor for only $10 each!

We got to the house and started priming the hallway. About halfway in to it my parents arrived. They just stopped by for the day since the weather was so nice. We showed them the latest progress and they brought along a grill and made us some burgers. It was a nice, leisurely day. After lunch, my dad had to take the tractor for a spin.

We took a walk through the area where we know there are some raised garden beds but wow, talk about overgrown!

After they left we cleaned up a bit and left for home. We were trying not to push too hard this weekend.

On Sunday we brought the dogs with us for the first time. Now that their fenced-in area is mowed we could leave them run outside. Of course, the fresh air is too much for them and they'd prefer to be inside with us.

We painted the entry hallway. The color is sort of a sand color.

We wrapped up the day painting the trim in the dining room. Trim painting is much more time-consuming than you think it is. You look at it and just think "oh well that's not that much, just along the floor and around the window" but with all the curves and edges where trim meets wall that must be cut in, etc, it takes much longer than you expect.

Because the weather was so nice we wanted to spend at least some time outdoors today. I also had a couple extra bucks in my wallet from picking up a shift at the bar on Saturday night, so we decided to go ahead and buy a gas-powered string trimmer (which is not the same thing as a WeedWhacker, because that is a trademarked name. We also got a few bags of dirt to fill in some of the holes in our yard. Cutting the grass will no longer be the exciting adventure it once was - never knowing when your wheels would drop out from under you. But it will be much safer (and easier on the tractor).

We read in the paper that the local firefighters would be holding a chicken BBQ dinner in the Stockbridge town square, so we decided to try it out.

After lunch, we put a second coat of paint on the hallway and painted yet more trim. The painting never ends!
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