What's My Game?

Apr 04, 2007 01:46

Hogsmeade contest: Ah, songfic. The fall back for all fanfic writers. Since it's been ages since I did a songfic prompt, guess what this fiction prompt is going to be!

Choose one of the two songs below and write a songfic that incorporates at least 3 lines of the song's lyrics into your fiction piece. Other than the lyric requirement, there are no other limits to this prompt.

SONG 1: The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil
SONG 2: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

What's My Game?

The sun streamed down on them as Ron, Hermione and Harry lounged about in Hermione's parents' back yard. It was the summer after they had finally finished their seventh year, and Voldemort was fast becoming a distant memory. Hermione had invited the two boys to visit for a few weeks before they started searching in earnest for a flat of their own.
A radio sat on the nearby ground, Harry fiddling with the knobs to find a station that wasn't playing a commercial. Ron looked on with interest.

Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

Harry was about to change the station again when Ron commented, "You know they're Wizards, right?" Harry and Hermione both looked up at that. They were familiar with the Rolling Stones, but they had never heard that they might be Wizards.

"Are you taking the piss? They don't seem like Wizards at all!" Harry studied Ron's face, trying to determine if he was fooling around.

"Honest, I'm not kidding! It’s not the whole band - just Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. My dad told me they're Wizards who just got discovered by Muggles. Made a ton of Galleons, too!"

Hermione, who been silently thinking about it, slowly started nodding. “It does make sense, Harry. Look at them - they do dress oddly, but no one notices that because they’re rock stars, and Muggles expect that sort of thing.”

Ron butted in. “Mick Jagger and Keith Richards have both got to be rolling past 60 now. How would they still be doing tours and performing all that time at that age unless they were Wizards? Sixty isn’t very old for a Wizard at all! They’d have no problem prancing about a stage and singing.”

Harry was silent for a minute, then thought of something. “What about all the drug use and all that?”

Ron laughed. “Exactly, mate! They got pulled into all that Muggle nonsense and rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, and they’re still around to tell about it. It’s happened before, to other Wizards who decide to go Muggle. There are potions that can help get rid of all that quite easily.”

“So who else is a Wizard playing at Muggle?” Hermione asked Ron.

“Hm. Let me think for a minute. David Beckham - he was a great Quidditch player, but he decided he wanted to play football instead. What a waste! Jackie Chan, Ian McKellen, Alan Rickman … there’s some others, too, but I can’t think of them right now. Some boring smart types, people like that. The Daily Prophet does an article about it every so often.”

The conversation died down as the last strains of the song ended and the radio host came back on.

Hermione, Ron and Harry lay back and relaxed on the grass and stared at the clouds, happy to have nothing better to do than to discuss music and other normal teenage topics.

Tell me, baby, what's my name
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name

hermione, harry, hogsmeade, fiction, ron

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