Jan 02, 2010 17:13
Chunkster - level 3: either 6 books of 450+ pages or 3 of 750+ or a combo
1. True Blue by David Baldacci - 456 pages.
2. Fire by Kristin Cashore - 461 pages.
3. The Naming by Alison Croggon - 492 pages.
4. The Riddle by Alison Croggon - 490 pages.
5. Terrier by Tamora Pierce - 581 pages.
6. Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce - 551 pages.
Done May 2010
The Baldacci wasn't his best. The Cashore was excellent! I read the whole 4 book set of the Croggon books - sometimes slow, but good fantasy. And Tamora Pierce is always good :) and I got to meet her at my library! And got books signed!
Dropping the following challenges - just can't seem to get going.
451 Challenge
Read the Book/See the Movie