May 06, 2011 16:41

My dear Kitty is not online yet so we can't post the themes quite yet, hence, you get more spam from me!


So from the poll I know at least 20+ of you wants to participate in a side challenge; which should be plenty for a mini icontest \o/!! Thanks to the input of ryfee, flashily, astrokittie, we decided to make an intro post :3! Also tyvm to the rest of you for egging us on ;A;!

Just fill out the form below and post to this thread if you would like to participate in the icon collaboration side challenge! Here are some basic ground rules just so we're clear:

□ ICON COLLABORATION: When two icon makers come together and collaborate to make one single icon. One person can do the base composition while the other does the colouring/final touches. Or one person can manga colour while the other make the icon. The possibilities are limitless! In short, the resulting icon is an effort of both iconmakers.
■ Only two people each collaborating team for now!
□ But you can be in as many different teams as you like, whether with just one other person or everyone else in this post - as long as you're certain you can complete all the collaborations.
■ EACH TEAM ONLY HAS TO MAKE ONE ICON -- just like a normal icontest, though you can submit up to two icons per team :3 Actually this is encouraged tbh cos idk if participation will be all that great ;A;!
■ Play nice, please ♥ You are free to choose whoever you work with - so you don't have to say 'yes' to everyone that approaches you. But please decline politely and reasonably. IDEK why I have this here, you are all lovely people and I'm sure you know what's acceptable.
□ You can sign up to this for as long as the side challenge runs (til the end of this current round) - the submission will be up after themes are posted later on today!
■ Obvs, all the icons you make have to be OTP icons - but whether it's serious or crack is up to you.
□ For now, try not to spam this thread so much so that people can find each other's intro posts :3? Though knowing you guys this probs won't work -- I'll edit this post w a link to each person's intro post here, then. LOL as predicted this totes didn't work, ty Pam & Astro. Scroll a wee bit below to get the quick links to everyone's intro posts!
■ Note: Filling out this form is NOT mandatory. If you've already found your partner and is happy w the arrangements, you can skip this and still enter the challenge. This is more for those who wants to pimp out themselves/willing to pair off with multiple people/bored.

a necessary action in this spammy comm XD

Username: flashily
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS3
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: margerydaw_s2
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: astrokittie
Graphics Program: Photoshop 7.0 (also CS3)
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: tilligoblind
Graphics Program: Paint Shop Pro 10
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: kawaii_chicken
Graphics Program: Photoshop 6.0
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: cool_spectrum
Graphics Program: GIMP
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: ryfee
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS2 + SAI
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: criminalqueen
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS4
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: dizzily
Graphics Program: PSP & GIMP
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: coloredpastels
Graphics Program: Photoshop 7 + CS2
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: havokpanda
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: miyasaikou
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: duelers
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS3
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: redasatomato
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS4 + GIMP
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: twinstrike
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS4
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: hanakohikari
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: kaena_25
Graphics Program: Paint Shop Pro 10
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: moochachip
Graphics Program: pending response.
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: billhook
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS2
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: closeme
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS + CS3
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: owldays
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: o0yukino0o
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: lefthandpenguin
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS4 (Mac) + GIMP
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: lumati
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5 + GIMP
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: vai_rin
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS5
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: ce_lestic
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS2, CS5 + SAI
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: nna_chan
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS, CS5 + SAI
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: vincibility
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS2
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: meganedoll
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS2
Intro Post: LINK.

Username: daicheto
Graphics Program: Photoshop CS4
Intro Post: LINK.

lmao this looks like an icongeeks friending meme.

Fandoms: (just list out the fandoms you usually/would like to icon.
Graphics Programme: (Photoshop versions, GIMP, PSP, etc)
Preferred Method of Communication: (PM? IM? Email? You don't have to list out your details here, but let the person who you want to work with know!)
Time Usually Online: (Optional: List the time you're usually online + timezone).
Preferred Iconing Style:
Examples: (insert ~5 of your icons here)

Anything Else? (this is just cos the rest of the form already looks like a friending meme tbh)

pimp out yourself/the comm ♥


THAT'S ALL FOR NOW~~ Thanks for putting up w/ my bad formatting! I hope you will all join, lets make lots of beautiful iconbabies!

sign-up, !challenge, !modpost

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