The games people play....we take them or we leave them...

Dec 05, 2013 08:29

So I decided that I would try to continue to do the blog thing, but it hasn't been all that eassy...partly because my life just really isn't all that exciting.  For the most part lately, my life has been mostly work, DVR, bed, lather...rinse....repeat.....aren't I just lucky?  At one point I actually used to live an almost exciting life but unfortunately as of late it has been fairly dull.  Most of the past 2 years was essentially re-learning how to walk again wtithout the aids of a walker, wheel chair, or crutches but I've bounced back fairly quickly.  I mean one night I fell asleep in my bed as expected, the next thing that I knew I was waking up in the hospital unable to move the lower half of my body.  It freaked me the hell out and was an extremely humbling experience.  We, as healthy free American citizens do not realize how much we take for granted (such as being able to shower or imply just wipe ourselves after dropping the kids off at the pool.
Needless to say my 2012 & 2013 were nothing to really write home I am holding an extreme amount of hope for the coming year and praying that 2014 will yield some positive outcomes in my life.  I mean in 2013, at least the tail end, things have started to do an about face...I mean I finally find a job which has had both it's good & bad points.  It's unlike any job that I've ever really had before in that it's never been more apparent that I come from a bit of a different generation when it comes to a work ethic...but I find myself just shaking my head when it comes to the way people just call out without a second thought (or a valid excuse) or just come walking in whenever they happen to feel like.  I met one girl who claimed to have once been an employee at the restaurant that I currently work for, and she had nothing nice to say about several of the employees and one or two of the managers.  Now  her thoughts echoed some of my own it's obvious that she knew what she was talking about===One thing that I have said since the day i started, if you don't want to like me...that's fine with me, not everybody is destined to get along with each other...but what I don't get, there are people there that I have been nothing but positive toward and yet for some reason they feel the need to be snarky, condescending, bitter, and perpetuate gossip of epic high school proportions.  I mean to be all pretty much adults, and see small groups of people whispering in a corner, casting glances your way, and than only to disperse when I'd walk over to them.  There have been a couple people that I have attempted to extend olive branches toward, in hopes to smooth over any work place drama...but for some reason those attempts at waving my white flag only yielded more negativity.  With one of these chicks I learned that it wasn't even worth it to even try.  I totally misread certain people during training, there had been a few that I swore up & down that I would've clicked with & become friends...yet on the flip side there were also a few positive surprises where I'd all but written certain people off as being douche bags only to find out that I was wrong and these people were cool as shit.   SO at least it hasn't all been totally negative.
This drunk chick...her ramblings, about how she stopped working for Houlihans New Brunswick because of the people there, I could understand that because even I had my moments and second thoughts, but it's a job and I needed the $$.  Employees like Megan, Gaven, sometimes Kelly...and don't get me started about Cornia on the bar.  I don't know what I've done to these people, I mean I know I can be a smidge annoying, and ask alot of questions...but 9 out of 10 times my heart is in the right place....and I have never once worked in a restaurant where I've gotten bitched at for actually doing teamwork and helping other people out with theres.  I usually try to do what I can to help people, picking up dirty dishes, helping sweep the floor, etc....and get told that I shouldn't do that because it's somebody else' sidework to do.  It's just mind boggling.
I also don't get alot about how things are run in the restaurant....there is even less managerial intercommunication than usual, each department is self contained...and if you go to one manager he'll tell you to flat out go to your department manager.  If you have a problem with something in the kitchen you have to find your zone manager, write the problem down, and he'll go talk to the expo...but that just takes a 2 second problem and turns it into a 5 minutes issue.
It's almost become a game to me, I could care less if these people decide to like e or not, several of them are ass kissing...and it's thru works internal politics that they get the schedules they get because it sure in't based off their skill sets.  I can sit her and say with no wavering uncertainty that one of the chicks plainly just sucks....but her ass kissing and bribery skills are top notch.  Okay enough for now...more to come.   If anybody out there in LJ land is still on my friends list and reading these.
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