Let's all stop using the word "hate" when talking about Prop 8/gay people/anti-gay people/whatever. Yes, it can be accurate, but in current discourse it's massively overused by both sides. Like "change" and "experience" in the recent Presidential campaign it's become an automatic buzzword used in lieu of a real argument. It's ceasing to mean anything.
Please, folks, stop using "xtian". I do not care if it's slang. I do not care if it was used in the sixteenth century. It's almost always used in a derogatory sense, and it belittles and disrespects people's religion. It's not unlike me using the "Peace be upon him" symbol with something tacked on at the end to refer to Muslims - impolite and simply not done.
....Not that anyone is going to listen. This is just me trying to control the nimble combatants of the Internet.
Of course, the day I finally get off my ass and call the health center to get an appointment is the day they're all in some kind of training all day. I need my knee looked at, a flu shot (*glurk*), and to talk to somebody medically qualified about my trouble sleeping. I may get my meds changed over winter break, since sleeping trouble+about 500% increase in disturbing dreams are both new. I don't know if more citalopram/something else would effect that, but it's worth at least talking about it.