Bloglink roundup

Nov 18, 2008 19:37

Daily Kos: Taking on the System and the Prop 8 Protests. A very interesting article about how traditional organizing (a.k.a. the HRC) failed in California, and how net-based organizing is succeeding.

The Identity Blame Game - interesting for anyone who's been following the Internet-politiking kerfuffle about Obama's cabinet.

And, for anyone who's interested, the list of blogs I read.

Fundie watch blogs
Dogemperor on the Daily Kos. Also dogemperor.
Dispatches from the Culture Wars
Talk to Action
Cult News from Rick Ross
Max Blumenthal
Street Prophets (Daily Kos spinoff)
Outing Dominionism
On a related note, Dark Christianity wiki (a spinoff of dark_christian) is very useful.

General lefty news
Daily Kos. Naturally.
Media Matters for America

Queer, etc.
Pam's House Blend is really the only one, because a lot of it crosses over with...

Girls Read Comics (And They're Pissed)
Heroine Content
Feminist SF
Shapely Prose (yes, I do count this as feminist)
Bitch Blogs

Brass Goggles "the lighter side of steampunk"
Whose Planet Is It Anyway? autism rights/neurodiversity
Michelle Obama Watch didn't know where to file this, since it simultaneously falls under "feminist," "political," and "fucking awesome"
The Black Oven best described as "black metal baking"

Some time I might do a similar post on webcomics.

Also, in unrelated news, OMG BSG WEBISODES SPOILERS OMG! :D

Obama Pledges To End Torture To Help ‘Regain America’s Moral Stature In The World’

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