Jul 05, 2010 14:45



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[ Raki || Claymore] phoenix_prose July 23 2010, 04:02:59 UTC
Your Name: Erika
Your Journal: phoenix_prose
Your Email: ruptured.cowboy @ the gs
Another contact: AIM= InsaneAntiscurvy
Do you currently play anyone at Otokoyo? Nei da.

Character Name: Raki
Character Series: Claymore
Point in the series: Chapter 81 because idek what's happening with those freaky things in his arm.
History: [claymore.wikia] / [wikipedia]
Character Skills: Raki's a good and inventive cook, pretty resilient, a pretty damn good swordsman, and has extensive experience hunting Yoma-- big scary-ass demon-type thingies that like to eat people. Apparently he is also a fine babysitter.

Tell us about yourself: Heh, whaddya wanna know, then? I guess I'm not really that out of the ordinary when you get right down to it. I just want to hang out with my friends and relax, you know? I mean, okay. So it's kind of hard when I have to chase one of them around the place because I haven't seen her in seven years or whatever. But can you imagine how good it's going to be when we finally see each other again?! I can't wait! Even though I have no real plans about what we're going to do after that...guess we'll just wing it. The important part is that we'll be winging it together.

Though I have no idea what's going to happen with Priscilla...I'll work it out somehow.
What kind of people do you interact with at home?: These days it's mostly just Priscilla, I guess, since we've been travelling from the North. She's kind of like my baby sister I guess, except, y'know, kinda terrifying at times. We go into towns, too, but we're never there for very long. Meeting new people is always fun, though! A lot of the time they treat me to dinner if I've gotten rid of a monster for them. That's pretty awesome.
Do you believe in ghosts/spirits/the supernatural?: Hmm, I dunno about spirits and stuff. Monsters I see all the time, but I've never seen a ghost.


[ACCEPTED!] otokoyooni July 23 2010, 04:06:10 UTC
Congratulations, your application has been ACCEPTED!

With your character's account, do the following:
→Join letsplayotokoyo and otokoyoooc.
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→Once you've been accepted to the OOC community, feel free to introduce yourself!
→Also, you're welcome to join the AIM chatroom (otokoyochat) at anytime.
→Any other questions? Contact a mod and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


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