Jul 05, 2010 14:45

Applications are OPEN!

There are two sections of the application, a part to be filled out of character, and a part to be filled in character. The part that is to be filled out of character is the basic information things just so we know who you're playing and who you are. The in character portion is to see how well you can speak in your character's voice without you being forced to write a sample. Please try to fill out each part (IC&OOC) as fully as possible, even if your character does not feel so inclined to talk about any of the IC parts. We treat the entire IC portion of the app as a sample. The IC section should be filled out in first person, and you're free to do whatever formatting you want to make it seem as IC as possible to you.

Remember to fully read the rules before you submit your application!

The application goes as follows:

Your Name: What you want us to call you.
Your Journal: It can be a sockpuppet or your real one, idc.
Your Email: so we can contact you
Another contact: Preferably an AIM screenname, but anything will do. If you don't feel comfortable sharing this information, just say so.
Do you currently play anyone at Otokoyo? If yes, please list who. If not, don't bother.

Character Name: obvious
Character Series: What series your character comes from
Point in the series: Where in the series your taking them from (give a chapter or episode)
History: Give us a link like a wiki page or something similar so you don't have to rewrite your characters history. If they're a really minor character or you cannot find a link, just write up a paragraph or two summary about them.
Character Skills: Give a list of all your characters skills, supernatural or otherwise. Are they a great cook? Have they trained in karate since they were 8? Can they move objects with their mind? Give us all the details!

Tell us about yourself: This is intended for us to learn about the character's personality, but your character can also talk about his or her past, dreams, likes and dislikes, and anything else they feel is important. Obviously, talkative characters will say more things than anti-social ones, but try to keep it around 150-500 words.
What kind of people do you interact with at home?: This is so we can tell how your character interacts with his or her canonmates, and so other people can have an idea of how your character will interact with theirs.
Do you believe in ghosts/spirits/the supernatural?: Yes or no + a sentence or two as to why.

Your Name:
Your Journal:
Your Email:
Another contact:
Do you currently play anyone at Otokoyo?

Character Name:
Character Series:
Point in the series:
History: Give us a link like a wiki page or something similar so you don't have to rewrite your characters history.
Character Skills: Give a list of all your characters skills, supernatural or otherwise. Are they a great cook? Have they trained in karate since they were 8? Can they move objects with their mind? Give us all the details!

Tell us about yourself: This is intended for us to learn about the character's personality, but your character can also talk about his or her past, dreams, likes and dislikes, and anything else they feel is important. Obviously, talkative characters will say more things than anti-social ones, but try to keep it around 150-500 words.
What kind of people do you interact with at home?: This is so we can tell how your character interacts with his or her canonmates, and so other people can have an idea of how your character will interact with theirs.
Do you believe in ghosts/spirits/the supernatural?: Yes or no + a sentence or two as to why.

premiserules&faqthe takers
takenreserveswanted•applications• drops


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