Nov 16, 2008 21:35
So recently mapdark made an entry saying how he was irritated that this new floor his gym was building would be women only, whilst the first floor would remain co-ed. He expressed concern that some women were being flirty and annoying on the machines in the co-ed room, taking up more time on the machines than necessary to show of boobs, whatever. (Which does happen sometimes.)
He expressed that the women were getting their own floor because some didn't feel comfortable working out in front of men, which is totally fine. But you know, what about the men who don't feel comfortable working out in front of women? They do exist, you know. It's more common than you might think.
So I mentioned that I thought that was bullshit. If you're going to introduce a gender secular system, there should be a men's area, a women's area, and a co-ed floor. That way it's fair and everyone's represented and can go where they want in their comfort zone.
I also mentioned the Women's Credit Union in Ottawa, and that seeing that pissed me off. I realise they are working to help women come out of tough situations, and that women are statistically more impoverished than men are. However it is my opinion that if one is in the business of trying to help people, then they should try to help people, and not exclude 50% of them for arbitrary reasons; And having a set of genitals or not having them is an arbitrary reason not to help someone with a beneficial programme. Yes, of course I realise there are more women than men in abuse situations and that sort of thing, but why the hell should we deny the few that are?
I was then beset upon by feminists. Like wolves to a rabbit, I was called full of bullshit and other things like that -- but my argument is this:
I would be equally as upset if there was a Men's Only business institution. I don't think there should be any gender exclusive businesses whatsoever. If one is going to outcry about sexism, one needs to outcry for both sides, not just one. If you are out for Women's Rights, then you need to be out for Men's Rights, as well. In all reality, you shouldn't be for either, you should be for People's Rights.
Why are there Womens' Only Banks?
Why are there Womens' Only Gyms?
Why are there Womens' Only businesses at all?
The famous Gentleman's Club has even let loose its gender rules and allowed women to join.
If a Men's Only gym were to be set up, that'd never fly because many people would stand up and cry bullshit, and I would be right there with them.
If a Men's Only stripclub were set up, there'd be another huge outcry as women would want to go in and join up not for the services of the institute, but to make a point about gender equality, and I would be right there with them.
I believe women should have equal pay, the choice to have a baby or to abort it, equal work hours, and the right to vote.
I do not believe women should have their own exclusive and gender secular businesses, just as men should not.
So how the fuck am I sexist and a dirty, pig misogynist for that?
Background Note
I was raised in a very radical feminist household, and I was made to sit in on my mum's meetings and things like that where men would be bashed for no other reason that they were men, and other illogical and nonsensical things. Nothing productive was ever said or done, it was just a bunch of people whining about another group of people, and it wasn't long before I got up an left with a gigantic fuck you to the lot of them.