Jul 19, 2004 16:32
i've always hated the feeling of being nervous about going to a class, or maybe more of anxious about going. Having German 4 nights a week is a bit much, but I'm glad I'm getting this out fo the way and know not to take summer classes again. I don't understand why schools don't treat summer like a normal semester. sheeit... the newest b fleischmann is fantastic, blows all others out of the water.
I am so fucking sore from yoga on saturday, it was the person i liked, but this woman is easier than my usual yogi babe. I'm going to the gym again, I'm trying this healthy natural thing, just going to the gym allows the mind to be healthier. Stacey has pink eye, the nasty little girl. it's soooo gross.
i need to start calling people back, sometimes sleeping is all the more wiser. I don't
weird, the computer just went a little bit crazy. there are these clicking noises in most music these days, i guess it's the hip thing.
Freakin bunny and noodle are being nightmares, maybe the apocolypse is coming and they're trying to get as much attention from me as possible before the world ends. Twice already noody has managed to jump from the fridge to the cabinets, opening the freezer and allowing everything to defrost twice. bunny on the other hand, who used to be a silent cute cat, has recently found that meowing constantly late at night and super early in the morning, is the way he wants to live his life.
Farming is awesome, I volunteered at city farm n saturday, and i love it. I did some weeding, where cameron told me i wasn't a weeder and started cracking up. I enjoyed helping the plants more, tying lines and holding the tomatoes up. It was nice being in the sun for a couple hours saturday morning. i want to try and volunteer a day during the week so i can spend a full 8 hours there.
I've figured out when i'm coming back to california, September 21st ish... probably a couple days before and after. for a wedding, but i need to get my amp and shit so i can utilize my guitar and some forthcoming pedals.
I can't wait for my synths to get hear, I'm not very patient, and I need to start reading on how to build my own oscillators and crap so i can make my own noise for cheap... cheap cheap...djfnsfgnjk