Post Gamer's Reunion

Sep 27, 2008 16:19


Not exactly the most exciting city I've ever seen, nightlife-wise, but they put on a pretty good local gaming convention. I think for a first year con, having about 150 people come is a great start. Gamer's Reunion reminded me in a great many ways of Con of the North... many of the same vendors, big emphasis on mini's, and a very laid back feel. I'm certainly going to make it a regular thing in the years to come.

The biggest trick of the weekend was learning how to navigate the Byzantine maze that they call their subway system. It's a very maze-like underground, and with no landmarks or ability to see the street (like the skyways around here), it's easy to get lost and/or turned around. Ah well.

The reception I got was pretty strong, akin to what we got at Con of the North. If it weren't for hotel costs, it would have been a handy profit. Go me!

I'll post up the now-usual picture filled blog post next week.

So it's back to novel work for me. I'm up to Chapter 10, in what looks like a 14-16 Chapter book. Up until this point, it's mostly been editing and rewriting here and there. However, the deeper I've gotten into the old 2nd Draft, the more it's been rewriting, and the less it's been editing. At Chapter 10, I've had to essentially restructure the plot from there to the end, and that means the rest of the 3rd Draft is going to be all original work.

So, that slows my progress down a bit. Will hopefully still be on track to be done with writing/editing in October, but I guess we'll see.

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