Pre Gamer's Reunion, and Been All Literary

Sep 13, 2008 15:00

Pre Gamer's Reunion

My last convention of the year has sneaked up on me; Gamer's Reunion is next weekend, in Rochester, MN.

I'm still not entirely sure who will be accompanying me at the convention. Phaedrus and Firecracker are on their honeymoon right now (grats!), so I'm not sure how well *another* weekend away from home will work out for them. Also, MarkIV said he may have a scheduling conflict. So I guess we'll see.

What I'd like to do is essentially a repeat of the vibe we had at Con of the North. Decent booth setup, but relaxed, with enough room to allow folks to actually pull up chairs and talk. No hard selling, just an easy engagement, with a 10 minute demo if they want it (using my Gen Con honed mad demo skills).

If there's interest, I'll run the 4 hour game "Kill Your TV" again, as a pickup game. It seemed to work pretty well last time.

In other news, I'm working on getting ready for a proof-of-concept playtest on Tuesday, for a light strategy game called Order of Battle. It's a fun space combat game, harking back to the "World War II Navy Engagements in Space" ideas of sci-fi from years ago. Looks promising.

Lastly, I've been devoting a significant amount of my time to novel editing and rewriting; this is the third draft of Kingdom of Ashes. I'm over 60% done, but am really going to be pushing it to get the book ready for POD printing in October. When things get a little bit closer to finalized, I'll post up a couple of teaser chapters for you folks.

Back to it,

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