Mar 06, 2006 12:11
So I am taking Corinne to work this morning and my right eye is really bugging me and it feels like theres goo in it. I ask Corinne to look at it and she says it looks like pink eye and I should go to the doctor. I drop her off at work and immediately go to the doctors office, really freaked out about my eye. I mean I have never had a problem with my eyes ever so I am legit freaking out. I sign in at 8:10 AM.....get taken back to be seen at 9:45AM....then get home around 10:30AM. I have 3 messages and 8 missed calls...all from the bank and Corinne. Apparently there was like 3 people physically out looking for me. I managed to get a hold of all of them and let everyone know I was ok. I couldnt call anyone cuz I didnt have my cell on me. I honestly didn't care that work didn't know where I was. I mean if I were able to call I would get the same old song and dance that somehow me getting sick/pink eye was totally avoidable and its all my fault and I need to suck it up and go into work anyway. Well I just have to say FUCK THEM! FUCK ALL OF THEM! FUCK THE JOB! FUCK THE COWORKERS WHO THINK I MAKE IT ALL UP! FUCK THE CUSTOMERS! FUCK IT!
Which reminds me! I ordered two books about voice acting as well as a cd thing to help me expand my range of voices I can do. Once I get through those I will write up a resume and start sending it out to agencies. I hope one of them likes my voice....I can't wait to get a new job....
I also ordered mc chris' other cd and should be getting it shortly. I blame this on Leonard and Chris dragging me to that concert. His eatings not cheating cd has been in my player for a month solid almost.
So long story eye....flu....fuck work....feeling like an ass and pretty worthlesss..... word I'm out!