(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 08:19

Alrighty! Amazon.com is awesome! My books came in yesterday!

1. Making money in Voice overs: Winning strategies to a successful career in tv, commercials, radio, and animation

2. The voice actors guide to home recording

3. Talking Funny for Money: An introduction to the cartoon/character/looping area of voice overs

#3 is the one with the audio cd. I read the first two pages explaining that its a 5 night workshop done in new york that was put onto cd/workbook for those that can't tavel to new york/ are kinda shy. Flipping through the workbook, it seems like it will definately help me add to the range of voices I can do. They also have legit agents listed in the books! Here's hoping I can fit in enough time to read them.

Also today is Corinne's birthday! I got her two Mononoke figures/statues at Katsu as well as Howl's Moving Castle which we watched last night. Good movie. It's a shame it didn't win the Oscar...but I am still happy that Wallace and Gromit won. I also sent her flowers and am planning a surprise birthday party for her this friday. So far, its gonna be a bunch of her coworkers. Other than that...I dunno who else to invite. o_O I mean I could invite the 3-4 of you that read this but a. your really far away and this is short notice and b. you would have to put up with her coworkers. Well if any of ya'll feel like comin down friday for a party for corinne come on down! XD

Other than that, nothing new to report. peace and ninja grease!
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