Good'ay 2008!

Jan 09, 2008 13:45

Wow. Long time no blog. So, I haven’t put anything up since finals, because it’s been a busy break. So here is your update.

First I flew out to Kansas to visit my mom. Man, they were decimated by those ice storms that the Midwest. There were so many trees down it looked like a tornado had hit. One day of my break was spent hauling tree limbs out of my mom’s backyard and into her front yard for pickup (which has never happened to my knowledge). It was a nice trip except for one “little” problem... Hannibal her gigantic chocolate lab “puppy” he is a crack addicted horse! He’s the biggest lab I’ve ever seen and he has the unfortunate habits of thinking he can sit on the furniture, that all food is his, it’s “fun” to jump and scratch people in the face, and the I liked being woken up every night with a cold nose in the face. Bah. No like that animal. I know it’s my moms fault for spoiling him, but it didn’t make me like him anymore. I got to see all my family, and of course my little cousins. I went to Pryce’s b-ball game, which was soooo cute. All those little kindergarteners running around willy nilly, adorable! We also went and saw the polar express on the imax and went roller-skating. For the most part my trip can be summed up with two words eating and shopping, because that’s how I spent most my time.

I then flew back to PA. And the day after I got back I got surprised with a proposal from my boyfriend. I’m engaged! YAY! It’s been almost 5 years that we’ve been together. It was all very romantic and sweet. It’s so exciting, it’s the one big thing I get to look forward to after I graduate (because the rest terrifies me). I also had a fun night of diner food, video games, alcohol and scrabble with my hometown friends. T’was rockin’!

For what little time is left in my break I’m taking a day trip up to NY NY to see Spring Awakening on Broadway. I’m actually supposed to be researching things we can do before the show right now... but I’m procrastinating. And then of course after that I’ll be packing and going back to school. *sigh* senioritis is setting in and I just don’t want to do classes anymore, especially certain classes. But I can’t wait to see my friends and catch up on my manga chapters and all that stuff I need fast internet/computer for. Bleach manga I crave it!
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