Why is Personal Image such an important thing?
Why is a persons Self Image so different than the actuality more often than not?
It's this Self image that causes people to wear masks or take up fake personalities to play pretend
Maybe those crazy people mumbling on the streets are just people who hate their self image so much they just got lost in some
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Life isn't fair. It's mean and cruel, left only to be populated by a majority of people who if they don't know you or want something from you will spit in your face if you hold your hand out to them.
What makes a difference is when you learn to love in spite of.
If you can love yourself (or someone else) in spite of their faults or short comings, that is when all of this self-image BS begins to finally not matter as much.
Much, much easier said than done.
Some people live in a fantasy world, some people hide behind jokes, or excuses, but eventually we all need to grow up. if we don't... well look at the country, look at the problems the world is facing. No one is responsible and not enough people take action or responsibility for the problems they cause.
I used excuses and lies to shield me, but the truth of the matter is I'm just some mediocre person who wants to be bigger, better, badder, or whatever than I am. Now the difference is, I can admit that and I am now working hard to do something rather than spending all that time and energy making excuses.
For what it's worth Dan, you're an amazing guy, I've known that since I've met you, but, all because you're amazing doesn't mean there isn't room for growth or improvement.
Perfection is a mirage. If you're walking the same direction as where the mirage is, I'd say chase it, might make you push harder, but don't follow it if that isn't your path, find your way and chase your roads, not everyone else's.
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