I'm sorry about some of you not having such great holidays. D: but Happy Whatever to those of you who celebrate! And to those that don't, suck it up for just a bit longer. :|b
If you've had a shitty holiday, you might want to skip the rest of this entry. It's just going to be me gushing about the awesome shit I got. :>
+ ~*~ NEW KEYBOARD ~*~ fuck yeah
+ a sound amplifier, for when I get my sound fixed
+ House, season 1
+ House, season 2
+ House, season 4
+ 1 gb iPod
+ 4 gb penguin flash drive from Bone (it's so cute)
+ 12 month kitten wall calendar
+ 365 day Maxine desk calendar
+ a plush grey little doggy
+ green apple shampoo/body wash
+ a soft pink house robe
+ a 3 lb peppermint stick
+ Queen Anne cordial cherries
+ various chocolates (I'm gonna get fatter, fffff)
My brother said he'd buy me House, season 3, for my present from him. |D! And he said he'd get my sister a soccer ball, which is excellent because it's hard for her and me to play with the one she has now. :|
Mom got a giftcard to Half Price Books in amongst her gifts so...we're going this Saturday +___+ (why is saturday so far away) I'll probably get my cats some treats while we're out. because they're adorable little shitheads. :)
Mrs Rhonda is over right now \o/ (she's such a nice lady) but I dunno if she's staying for dinner, since she got a lot of invitations to come celebrate with people. If she does, we'll be cooking up chicken, stuffing, peas, etc. Nothing fancy, but nicer than what we usually sit around and eat. If she doesn't, mom said we'll probably... go back out to Jack in the Box. Who is the only restaurant open here today. ..aside from Denny's, but nobody else wants to get dressed properly. >8|
... fff shit Kirsten just brought over an orange blanket and a card for me, and some gifts for 'bella. Damn, I didn't get her anything! We just exchange cards for our birthdays these days so.. (I feel so bad, lol) .. hm. I will figure something out to rectify this fail. |Db
and that's the result of my holiday. \o/
fuck my Tita sent something along for us, too. I don't even know- can she afford all of that? She's too sweet for her own good; she would go without to send us gifts. I can't let her do that - I love her so much. We're sending her some cash along with a small gift for the holidays, but.. I dunno, I never feel like it's enough. she's one my favorite people, her and my Uncle Jerry. hopefully if they're still having money problems I can send them some. (my brother's been trying to help me get a job at the Customer Service dept. at GC instead of the Collections dept, so.) fff, I hope this number I have for her.. works. I will call her. my Spanish sucks, and she doesn't like using the English she knows, so.. we will make Uncle Jerry translate, lmfao. ♥
okay, now that's my holiday. I think. maybe, lmao.