(no subject)

Jan 28, 2010 00:56

Just a short blogthing to talk about BOOKS. I finished Crooked Little Vein yesterday, and man that was a good story. ♥ I mean, it was Ellis, so it was bound to be good, but I liked it more than I thought I would. Mike reminds me of Richard, from Fell, which Ellis mentioned he was messing with just a bit the other day. Which is amazing. I know the man is crazy busy, but an issue of Fell sometime would be awesome. Although I did like how the last one ended, quite a bit. Great place to leave off before being swamped.

He still does Freakangels every Friday, by the way, with Paul Duffield. SHAMELESS PLUG. It's a fun story, and reads pretty quickly. ("23 years ago, twelve strange children were born in England at exactly the same moment. 6 years ago, the world ended. This is the story of what happened next.")

Speaking of webcomics, Hanna is Not a Boy's Name is also fun, and reads quickly. The art is nice, and Hanna and "..." are adorable. Plus Doc Worth is excellent.

Sfeer Theory is going to be amazing, seeing as halcyonjazz & mooonsheen are the ones behind it. (This is the duo that brought us the now indefinitely hiatus'd Salad Days.

Also, Starfighter's been updated a couple of times since I ordered my copy of Ch1 a while back. (Careful, this one's got fighter pilots fucking, so nsfw, etc.)

OH and The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, which I really need an abbr. for, is updated every Tuesday! Updates will be small for a while, while gallo_de_pelea busts ass at her dayjob, but the comic has a nice story, and I like her art, so I look forward to it.

.. this started being about books, and now it's about comics. gd it, warren ellis.

anyway, now reading Monster by A. Lee Martinez! I think I adore Monster already. The minute the cop called him 'Mr. Dionysus', I wondered what else Martinez could do to make me love him. Hopefully I don't hate him by the end of the book. IT'S HAPPENED. (C.S.Friedman, I'm looking at you.)

I also have my Zompoc: How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse and The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. It has Neil Gaiman in it, guys! don't judge me. 8(

oh kay.

it's bed time now. I work 10-7 again tomorrow, so. sleep would be nice, so I don't tear off customer's heads, verbally. good night, gorgeous people.

books, win!, webcomics, comic books, personal, links

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