A quick update on various bits and pieces

Feb 09, 2008 15:53

Originally published at clusterfuck. You can comment here or there.

Well, first of all, Let’s get the weight thing outta the way.
It’s been just over 2 weeks and I’ve only lost 2 pounds. I’m still well ahead of schedule however this lack of loss has annoyed me. The reason for this is simple though, I’ve not been going to the gym, The first week I had a bastard big cold. Last week was a bit hectic for me at work. Monday I managed to tip over the mixing/mincing machine and have it smack me on the leg on the way down and to punctuate the week quite nicely I slipped up in the kitchen and twisted me knee, funnily enough hurting the same leg. So I probably wont be going to the gym for a couple more days. (also in the funny pattern on monday AND friday I punctured my rear tire. So there you go)

It’s not all bad news though. I’ve decided to leave Sultan, I’ve applied for a job with TLC and it looks as though I’m going to get it.  I’ve got a final interview on Monday, and I’ll know by Monday evening if I’m going to get it!

Also, on wednesday Flange gave me my birthday present (it was late because she didn’t know what I wanted, my fault). She got me a Wacom Bamboo One drawing tablet, which is truly awesome, I’ve been inking (NOT TRACING) some of the comics that I’ve been putting off doing because I hated using the mouse to do my birthday comic and so far they’re looking really good.

I’ve sent off TMA 11 for my OU course, TMA 11 is a preparatory exercise so was fairly easy. I’m not getting complacent about it though. I’ve been reading the course material and there’s a fair bit which is at the moment over my head.

I think that just about covers it for me.

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