Went Hiking, Took No Pictures

Sep 04, 2012 23:29

so, it seems that my new exercise vice is to wander out into the wilderness and walk on the dirt paths that have been blazed through.

Ever since I lost my job, I've been finding ways to get this done. We've got a ton of state parks around Raleigh and Durham, and my fellow bums have been dragging me out of the house to go out and get on this.

For Labor Day weekend, we ended up making an epic trip out of it by going out to Boone, in the mountains. We ended up hitting four separate parks over two days. We met up with my brother there, who's in school at the moment. I don't think he or any of us know whether he'll stay there or not, and I say good on him for that. If he knows what he wants and it doesn't involve a degree, then he's not helping himself to tackle student loans on top of that.

But for the moment, there he is. He's apparently a better student than I was. No surprises there.

Over the course of those two days, we ended up dodging storms to go hiking. The weather was barely cooperative - we passed through a lightning storm getting to the mountains, and it was gray all that day and into the morning of the next. But I liked it - we hiked Jefferson Mountain in the fog. The wind passing through the trees sounded like an inconstant ocean, and the forest was very close. It felt contemplative, being that far out of town and so far away from everything.

We got caught in the bad weather on the final hike, though. It had been thundering all afternoon, and then on the last leg of the journey the sky just opened up. And it figured it would - the only one of us who brought any rain gear had left it all in the car because he wanted to lighten his load and we'd dodged that bullet thus far - it was sunny when we started, so why worry?

ha ha. Ha. Good times.
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