Feb 03, 2020 15:12
I have great difficulty even turning on Fox News. It’s never more than a minute or two before I want to hurl something right thru the TV screen. I know it’s important to actually be aware of the alleged news coverage those on the right are hearing, but the anger it provokes in me isn’t healthy either for my psyche or my blood pressure. Likewise, the right wing radio hosts like Michael Savage or the greasily bombastic Rush Limbaugh.
Can. Not. Listen. Calmly.
Limbaugh announced this morning he has advanced lung cancer. Under my breath, I murmured, “good”. A second later, a wave of shame for my response swept over me. I could feel my cheeks burning. I’m ashamed schadenfreude was my immediate response. No one should take pleasure in news of what’s often a terminal diagnosis.