Jan 30, 2020 12:10
I’ve been watching the impeachment hearings this morning, and I just had to turn the thing off.
Is it just me, or is the hyper partisan jockeying of the Republican party bothering anyone else?
I may be naïve. I may be foolish to expect anything different. I may be a Democrat and therefore somewhat partisan myself. Still, I am disturbed more than I can describe by my clarity that the bulk of the republicans appear to have put party before country.
I thought that there were things to which a politician could not stoop, without consequences, such as extorting the assistance of a foreign government in an election. I was gob smacked to hear the phrase during the last presidential election cycle, “Russia, if you’re listening…” & disgusted to see Trump say on camera that he thought China should open up an investigation into the Bidens. However, that there are not apparently enough Republicans in the Senate with a back bone to stand up to either the president or the majority leader & insist on witnesses during the senate trial, Doesn’t just disappoint me, it sickens me.
After almost 250 years as a nation, that we are now watching one party in our Senate in essence give it’s stamp of approval to the creation of an imperial presidency is something that we as a nation should mourn. Our nations forefathers, those luminaries who wrote our constitution must be turning in their graves right now, if not out right spinning.
This is not a football game or a soccer match. We are not two opposing sides looking at who will win this game. This is a battle for our democracy. It is a battle for our republic, as one of our forefathers noted, if we can keep it.
We have had demagogues in elected office in this country before. Joe McCarthy comes to mind, as does President Nixon. Eventually, the tides were turned on both of them & they lost the power they held. are we as an American people paying attention? Are we able to look at what’s happening and evaluate it, as well as the voices who’ve sought both to obfuscate. What do the Sean Hannity’s, the Laura Ingram’s, the Rush Limbaugh’s, the Tucker Carlson’s stand to gain? Who puts the money behind them? Who puts them on their bully pulpit? For that matter who is funding the republican party? Who is playing the white working class against everyone else and for who’s gain? As someone wise once said, “follow the money.”
At this moment I am clinging to the hope that as they did in 2018, the American electorate will rise up this November and put a stop to this insanity. It’s clear to me at this point that we not only must remove this stain on the White House, but on the Senate as well.