i need to speak up on some shit.

Nov 05, 2008 19:58

it's amazing to me. how fast you find out who the true racists are in this country. you all were hiding in the closet. but the minute a black man gets elected to the highest office, you racists motherfuckers come out of the wood works. you know who are, don't pretend otherwise.

Radical republicans called him a terrorist. and some of you crazy bastards even shouted kill him. then you motherfuckers tried another ploy, "lets call him a socialist". so now that a president wants to take you rich bastards money, he's a socialist. but it's okay for the president to take the poor man's dough, and "redistribute" it where ever he wants. You selfish motherfuckers sicken me. your seat in hell is waiting for you.

here's the truth of it. the republican party couldn't find anything morally wrong with this guy. oh you tried, you did try. fact is you couldn't find anything wrong with him. but you couldn't go on tv and say what you really wanted to which is "Don't vote for that nigger, he's gonna ruin the country." guess what bush already fucked us deep in our asses that everyone is spitting out oil flavored cum.

i'm gonna compare this shit to something. and it's gonna be an extreme comparison but i don't give a shit. the bullshit i have seen some of you republicans pull on these social sites is ridiculous. and you're doing it to people who are supposed to be your friends.

a long time ago, there was a this thing in this country called slavery. The master got rich off the work of the hardworking black slaves. but the motherfucker kept kicking him, and kicking him to keep him down. fast forward to now. you motherfucker rich bastards kept getting richer. and the middle class and poor kept getting poorer. you wanted to the use the "trickle down" system. well guess what, 5% of shit is shit. it's like those pyramid schemes you hear about. they don't work. well guess what neither does the trickle down system. so you selfish bastards can kiss my ass.

and all i hear is you only voted for him cause he's black. so then i guess it's fair to say you only voted for McCain cause he's white. but you'll retort that's not true, and then give reasons as to why you voted for him. when an african-american gives you valid reasons why they voted for obama. you go yeah yeah whatever it's because you're black he's black. etc etc.

well you know what i say to that. suck my big black dick. if Barack Obama had been Lewis Brown from Alabama, blond haired blue eyed white guy. these bullshit remarks wouldn't be coming from your mouths. am i pissed off? you're damn right i'm pissed off. never in my life have i seen such blatant racism and all you dirty bastards try to deny it. well you know what there is a place in hell waiting for each and every one of you.

you pricks are scared now. cause now you know how the minorities have felt all these years. is this "guy" gonna lookout for me. well now you get to feel that uncertainty and i revel in delight when barack obama proves you selfish racists bastards wrong.

yours truly.

and as always

love, peace, and chicken grease.
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