No More Excuses America

Nov 05, 2008 02:50

America you elected a qualified person tonight. America you elected an African-American tonight. And on this historic night comes hope. Hope that this country hasn't seen in years. Hope that this world hasn't seen in decades. America tonight you propelled yourself back atop the world stage. Tonight the world regained the respect it held for you years ago. Gone now are the Hypocritical views the world viewed us to have.

America tonight you showed the world. We are capable of making the best decision for this country. Tonight with this choice excuses and crutches go out the window. Tonight America you gave hope to minorities everywhere. Gone now are the excuses that minorities use "the man is keeping me down". Gone now is the need for Affirmative Action. Now is the time for minorities to realize they truly can do or be anything you want. Now is the time for minorities to get the fuck up off the couch, get off the street corner, and be productive. Now is the time to seize upon the opportunities that are out there for you.

America look upon this day and rejoice. McCain supporters I understand you are upset. 4 years ago, 8 years ago, democrats were upset. We felt cheated twice. You should look upon this day as a chance to have your voice heard and help remove those things that are truly holding this country back. Everyone on both sides of the spectrum screams about equality. Equality for minorities and caucasians in the work place. Equality for gay and lesbian couples. I understand that latter one is very controversial. So i speak to those of you that are open minded and willing to accept gay and lesbian couples. help this ignorant on the issue. Listen to their fears, listen to their concerns, and educate them.

America, we are looking at a new day for country. How will you participate in the building of a new America? a stronger America? an America more respected by the rest of the world tonight?

it's your choice America, how will you decide?
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