Teacher: Mitarashi Anko
Class: Football/Cheerleading
Period: All
Grades: All
Impatiently drumming her nails against the laminated particleboard surface in front of her, Anko waited at the uncomfortably unfamiliar desk of the classroom she’d managed to procure for the class period. A sign on the locker room door was alerting her students to this change, and she’d been sure to add the stipulation that the “I couldn’t find it” excuse would not be accepted, but naturally, the room itself was on the other side of the school. Slowly, students began to arrive, hesitantly pushing open the door, entering to take a seat when they noticed their teacher grinning insincerely, indicating that they were, unfortunately, in the correct room. It wouldn’t be completely out of character for this to be some sort of punishment, but Anko had other things in mind, besides the raging migraine she’d woken up with. (I will never, ever drink again, she told herself for what could very well be thousand and first time.)
As soon as a sufficient number of students had filtered in and she’d made a mental note to be sure to find unique ways to punish the ones who didn’t show up, she stood and strode to the center of the class, hoping she needn’t say anything to quiet the lot down. It wasn’t hard to tell when coach was in a foul mood, and she knew it.
“Alright children, if you didn’t already hate me, you will after this class. You’ll be writing a two page paper based on one of these prompts.” While waiting for the groans to subside, she grabbed a stack of papers off the desk and began handing them out to the students in the front row. “Unless otherwise specified, you don’t need any sources, quotations, or any of that obnoxious junk, since I was feeling lenient when I wrote the guidelines, but I’ll be grading that much harder for it, I can assure you. Take a look over the handout and let me know if you have any questions.”
Essay Assignment
Write a 2 page paper based on one of the following prompts. You will be expected to have a thesis statement use proper grammar and spelling, and you may incorporate sources and quotations if you choose to, but they will not be required. If you do use sources, you’ll be expected to properly cite them. You may write in first or third person, but be consistent.
• Prompt 1
o Write about how sports have influenced your life for the better, in two or more different aspects. (e.g., physical health, social life, self-image) You may choose to focus solely on football or any other sports you may be in.
• Prompt 2
o Do a self-critique on your involvement in football here at school. Include things such as how you’ve improved, what ways you could still improve, why you joined, if you will be returning next year, etc.
• Prompt 3
o Find a newspaper article from the past few weeks about a football game. Summarize it, then write your opinion on at least two of the topics that the article covers, whether it be a player, a play, a coach, or something else.
The paper will be due two weeks from the date it was assigned.
((OOC: I know this is a change from what the other Anko had. Mods, if this is a problem, I can change it and come up with two separate classes. I checked and didn't see anyone with both cheerleading and football, but if there are any students with both, there can be some sort of IC arrangement.))