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Jan 28, 2005 18:23

This will probably be my last post on Livejournal. I haven't decided if I'll save my previous entries to my computer, or just delete them. Every year or so I debate the same thing with my sent emails. A person whose LJ I used to read deleted his journal, and it saddened me. He said that a journal's objective nature when shown to the world like this is never as good as when it is solely you, a paper, and a pen. And my process of disconnecting from the Internet has been moving along for sometime, so this journal would neither be a desired social outlet or an effective introspective one. So to those of you that I've met through Livejournal and do not see elsewhere, goodbye and thank you for your friendship. To those that I see elsewhere, I'll see you around.

Toshihiro Kimura.
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