Title: Snippets (7)
Pairings: Oshitari/Gakuto.
Guest Stars: Rest of Hyoutei.
Rating: PG-13, for gay pairings.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis is created by Konomi Takeshi. This work is a piece of fanfiction and no part of it is attributed to Konomi-sama or any other entity holding any legal right associated with and arising out of Prince of Tennis . It was written purely out of fanservice and it is not to be used for profit or any false association with Konomi-sama or aforesaid entities.
7. Family II
Siblings are a different matter.
Oshitari’s older sister is exactly like him-but more beautiful and more terrifying, if that is possible. She threw back her head and cackled in an evil manner when Oshitari introduced Gakuto as his significant other. Gakuto was terribly alarmed, but Oshitari assured him that this meant that his older sister approved… and that was all that mattered.
Gakuto’s older sister also approved, though with a little hesitation at first. She’s always liked Oshitari-everyone in Gakuto’s family except his father likes him. But she’s Gakuto’s older sister, and so it’s her brother she looks out for. Oshitari swears to her on his ancestors’ graves that he will protect Gakuto and never hurt him. Gakuto’s older sister listens and nods, and then shows Oshitari two dossiers: one filled with young men who are all handsomer, smarter and richer than Oshitari, and the second filled with gorgeous, intelligent, kind-hearted young women who are wonderful cooks and love natto. Gakuto’s older sister explains kindly to the dumbstruck Oshitari that these are the replacements she has already lined up for her brother in the event that Oshitari breaks his promise.
Gakuto’s younger brother is still trying to recover from the shock of the truth. He has always thought of Oshitari Yuushi as the Perfect Man… and to find that the Perfect Man is in fathoms deep in love with the Very Imperfect Older Brother has short-circuited the brain of Gakuto’s younger brother. Currently he is not on speaking terms with either the Perfect Man or the Very Imperfect Older Brother.
Sometimes siblings prove to be every bit as much of a headache as the older folks.